Approved establishments

What is an approved establishment?

Food premises where the handling of animal produce (meat, fish, milk, or eggs) takes place before retail are called approved establishments. You must apply for approval of the establishment before starting or significantly changing operations.

Applying for food establishment approval

You must apply for a food establishment approval from Pirteva well in advance of starting your operation. Applications for a slaughterhouse or facility for handling game meat should be directed to the Finnish Food Authority (Ruokavirasto).

You must present a written self-regulation plan known as the ‘own check’ along with your application. The health authorities may request additional information or documents if needed.

Processing applications

If your application was successful, you will receive a written approval from the health authorities. You may receive a conditional approval in the interest of preventing health risks. The authorities must process the application within 60 days of receiving the application and all required documents. Special circumstances, such as an incomplete application or in the case of an extraordinarily broad subject matter, may require a longer processing period.

You cannot start, or significantly change, operations in an establishment before getting approval from the health authorities.

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