Public beaches

Water quality inspection

Pirteva oversees 35 public beaches in Hämeenkyrö, Lempäälä, Nokia, Pirkkala, Vesilahti and Ylöjärvi.

For beaches with over 100 visitors, a water sample is taken two weeks before the start of the swimming season (which takes place 15.6. – 31.8.), and three more samples are taken during the season. For smaller public beaches, 3 water samples are taken during swimming season.

The test results of the water samples are posted on the beach notice boards and on this website.

Blue-green algae

Public swimming waters are inspected for blue-green algae each time a sample is taken, or more often if necessary.

Whenever there is an abundant bloom of blue-green algae, a notice is put up at the beach. The notice warns of the dangers of blue-green algae and advises to avoid swimming during the algal bloom.

The Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Pirkanmaa (ELY-keskus in Finnish) monitors the presence of blue-green algae in lakes in the Pirkanmaa area. You can find information on the quality of Finnish lake and sea waters on the Lakewiki (Järviwiki) website where citizens can post observations. There is also a guide (in Finnish) on how to recognize blue-green algae.

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