Identification codes

Retail permit system and traceability system

In addition to sales permits, retailers of tobacco products must have identification codes mandated by the traceability system. Everyone involved in the supply chain of tobacco products must apply for an identification code or codes. The codes are an effective way to identify all buyers and to trace the actual supply route from the manufacturing facility all the way to the retail outlet.

Types of codes

There are three kinds of identification codes: economic operator identifier code, facility identifier code, and machine identifier code.

Economic operator identifier code

This code is for all operators involved in tobacco product trade (including export). This includes manufacturers, logistics companies, wholesales and retail outlets.

Facility identifier code

A facility is a place, building, or vending machine in which tobacco products are manufactured, stored, or sold. This code is needed for wholesale and retail outlets, as well as buildings where tobacco products are stored.

Machine identifier code

This code is for machines used in manufacturing of tobacco products. 

For example, for wholesale and retail of tobacco products you are required an economic operator ID and a facility ID code. If you are selling tobacco products in multiple locations, you need separate facility IDs for each place. You only need one economic operator ID.

How to apply for ID codes

The ID code provider for the Finnish market is a Slovakian company called Allexis s.r.o., as chosen by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The company will provide codes required by the Tobacco Act for the following five years.

A retail permit holder must provide the municipality that granted the permit with economic operator ID and facility ID codes. The municipality will file the information with Valvira’s retail permit registry.

I stopped selling tobacco products, who do I notify to terminate my ID codes?

When a retail permit holder ends sales, they must notify the municipality that granted the permit and the ID code provider. You can notify the municipality via email ( and the code provider via their website by logging in to ID Issuer and cancelling your registration.

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