
The Tobacco Act (549/2016) came into effect on 15.8.2016. There are several laws regarding the transition period, including:

  • The Tobacco Act enables housing cooperatives to apply for a smoking ban on balconies and other outdoor premises, such as terraces, from their municipality (since 1.1.2017). 
  • Selling nicotine liquids is now subject to licence
  • E-cigarettes are now subject to the same regulations as tobacco products
  • Annual payments for selling tobacco products are changing.

Overseeing the Tobacco Act

Pirteva oversees compliance to the Tobacco Act and grants retail permits for tobacco products and nicotine liquids in Hämeenkyrö, Lempäälä, Nokia, Pirkkala, Ylöjärvi, and Vesilahti.

According to the Tobacco Act, municipalities must:

  • conduct inspections of premises where tobacco products are sold or stored
  • monitor sales of tobacco products and smoking equipment.
  • monitor own-checks of tobacco and smoking product sales
  • monitor the advertisement and marketing of tobacco and smoking products, and imitations of such products
  • oversee that smoking bans and restrictions are being followed

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