Food safety control

Who is responsible for the safety of foodstuff?

Operators in the food sector (people producing, storing, transporting, selling, or serving food or feed) are primarily responsible for the safety of foodstuff.

Supervision of food establishments

Food inspectors conduct inspections in production, food handling premises and establishments, and in packaging or other contact material operations. Inspections are mainly conducted without prior notice in accordance to the Oiva-inspection guidelines.

Find out more about Oiva-inspections here.

Pirteva is responsible for food health control in Hämeenkyrö, Lempäälä, Pirkkala, Vesilahti, Nokia and Ylöjärvi. Oiva-reports are published on each inspection.

Food policy

Find out more about food policy on the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland webpage.

Rates and fees

Price list for food safety control services (pdf) (in Finnish)

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