Guidelines for keeping animals

Protecting chickens and other poultry from bird flu 8.2.-31.5.

In order to prevent the spread of bird flu, poultry must be kept out of contact with wild birds from 8.2. to 31.5. According to a decree by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland, birds must be kept indoors or in an outdoor area that is well protected with dense fencing.

You must file a notification with you local municipal veterinarian if you wish to keep your birds outdoors during this time period. You can fill out a notification form and send it to or via post. You can also send the same information in an email without the form.

You can find guidelines to protecting poultry from wild animals on the Finnish Food Authority website (in Finnish).

Registering animals and facilities

Keeping the following animals requires registration: cattle, pigs (including mini pigs), horses or other equidae, sheep, goats, chickens and other poultry, and bees. Fur farming and farming game animals also requires registration. The number of animals, the length of time you are keeping them or the purpose is irrelevant. Even individual summer chickens and sheep must be registered.

A new registration requirement for horses has come into effect according to which all already existing horse stables, regardless of the size or number of horses, must be registered by 31.12.2020.

Notification procedure

You must send a written notification to the Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI) if you wish to keep animals professionally or for other extensive operations, or practice wild mammal, game, or bird farming.

What operations are subject to the notification procedure?

  • Keeping animals professionally or for extensive recreational/hobby operations:
    • trading dogs, cats, or other pets regularly
    • breeding dogs or cats when the owner has at least 6 female broods/studs who have whelped (given birth to pups) at least once.
    • taking care of or training atleast 6 dogs or cats at the same time on a regular basis
    • keeping 6 or more full-grown horses, regardless of the purpose or ownership of the horses
    • other professional or extensive recreational operations
  • Meat, egg, or stud/breeder farming
  • Game animal farming

Sending a notification

You must send a written notification to the Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI) at least 30 days before starting a new operation and 14 days at the latest before ending or significantly changing operations.

Notifications for the Pirteva area are sent to the AVI’s Tampere branch.

Notification for keeping/trading animals professionally


Places where animals are kept professionally are subject to regular monitoring.

The operator is responsible for keeping up-to-date books on the animals and their medications. The books must be presented to the supervising authority and animal welfare inspector if necessary.

More information

Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI) tel. 029 501 8450

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