Nicotine replacement products

Nicotine replacement products can be sold in shops, kiosks, service stations, and restaurants. Retail permits are granted by the municipal supervisory authority.

Nicotine replacement products can only be sold to people who are 18 or above. The seller must be able to oversee the purchase. Selling from automatic vending machinces is prohibited.


The municipality conducts inspections of premises where nicotine replacement products are sold and stored, and monitors their sales.

Applying for a retail permit

The retail permit application can be a free-form written application.

The application must include the following information:

  • name and contact details of the applicant, business ID (Y-tunnus), and address of the retail place
  • an explanation of how the products are stored and how their sale is being monitored.
  • name and contact details of the person responsible for sales
  • the number of check-outs in the retail space and their locations

Processing and payments

You can send the application to Pirteva via

post: Pirkkalan kunta, PL 1001, 33961 Pirkkala 
or email:

There is a processing fee for the application and an annual rate for monitoring the sales of nicotine replacement products.

Ending sales

Retail permit holders must file a notification if information in their initial permit application change, and if they are ending sales of nicotine replacement products. 

The notification can be sent via email to

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